
class flowthings.Token(account, token)

Token objects may be passed to an API. This will be used to sign requests to the platform.

>>> creds = Token('<account>', '<token>')
static from_bluemix(default=None, env_var='VCAP_SERVICES')

Loads a Token object from an IBM Bluemix environment. If a default Token is provided, it will be returned in case of a failure, otherwise a FlowThingsError will be raised.

class flowthings.API(creds, async_lib=DEFAULT, secure=DEFAULT, params=DEFAULT)

Creates a new API instance for interacting with the platform.

>>> api = API(creds)

Options labelled as DEFAULT will use the options set in the defaults configuration object.

An API is comprised of services for querying the different domains on the platform:

  • flow
  • drop
  • track
  • group
  • identity
  • api_task
  • mqtt_task
  • rss_task
  • token
  • share
  • device
  • statistics
  • websocket

For documentation on these services, read Service Methods, Authentication, Statistics, Aggregation, and WebSockets.


Returns an API wrapper for making asynchronous requests using either eventlet or gevent. Requests made using an async() API will return green threads.

For more documentation, read Asynchronous and Parallel Requests.


Returns an API wrapper for making implicitly parallel requests using either eventlet or gevent. Requests made using a lazy() API will return thunks that wait on their respective green thread when accessed.

For more documentation, read Asynchronous and Parallel Requests.

request(method, path, data=None, params=None)
  • method (str) – HTTP method
  • path (str) – Request path
  • data (dict) – Request data
  • params (dict) – Request query parameters

Makes an arbitrary platform request.


Get or set the API’s Token.


Configuration object for globally setting default options for API instances.


Defaults to None. Supports eventlet and gevent.

import eventlet

flowthings.defaults.async_lib = eventlet

Defaults to True. When set to False, requests will be made over http:// rather than https://.


The default set of query string parameters sent with all requests. Defaults to {}.

Service Methods

All API service requests return plain dictionaries of the request body. They may throw exceptions in case of an error.

service.read(id, **params)
Parameters:id (str) – The resource id
>>> api.flow.read('<flow_id>')
service.read_or_else(id, default=None, **params)
  • id (str) – The resource id
  • default (any) – Default value when the resource is not found
>>> api.flow.read_or_else('<flow_id>', None)
service.read_many(ids, **params)
Parameters:ids (list) – List of resource ids
>>> api.flow.read_many(['<flow_id_1>', '<flow_id_2'])
service.find_many(*filters, **params)
Parameters:filters (Filter) – Request filters
>>> api.flow.find_many(mem.displayName == 'Foo')
service.find(..., **params)

An overloaded method which may call one of read(), read_many(), or find_many() depending upon the type of the first argument.

>>> api.flow.find('<flow_id>')
>>> api.flow.find(['<flow_id_1>', '<flow_id_2'])
>>> api.flow.find(mem.displayName == 'Foo')
service.create(model, **params)
Parameters:model (dict) – Initial data for a new resource
>>> api.flow.create({'path': '/path/to/flow'})
service.update(model, **params)
Parameters:model (dict or M) – Updated model

Requests are made based on the model’s 'id' key.

>>> api.flow.update({'id': '<flow_id>', 'displayName': 'Foo'})
>>> api.flow.update(M(model, displayName='Foo'))
service.update_many(models, **params)
Parameters:models (list) – List of updated models
service.save(..., **params)

An overloaded method which may call one of create(), update(), or update_many() depending upon the type of the first argument. create() or update() are called based on the presence of an 'id' key.

service.delete(id, data=None, **params)
  • id (str) – The resource to delete
  • data (any) – Request data
>>> api.flow.delete('<flow_id>')


The drop service is slightly different in that it must first be parameterized by the Flow id.

>>> api.drop('<flow_id>').find(limit=10)

Request Parameters

Service methods take additional keyword arguments that act as query parameters on the requests. These are not fixed in any way, so please refer to the platform documentation for the options.


When a request is made with the refs parameter set to True, the return type becomes a tuple rather than a single dictionary:

>>> resp, refs = api.flow.find('<flow_id>', refs=True)

Request Filters

Service find methods understand a query DSL that lets you express filters using Python operations instead of manually splicing strings together.

>>> api.flow.find(mem.displayName == 'foo', mem.path.re('^/foo', 'i'))
class flowthings.mem

mem represents members of the objects you are querying. You can use use properties or key indexing to represent a member.:

>>> api.drop(<flow_id>).find(mem.elems.foo > 12)

The supported operators are ==, <, <=, >, and >= along with the following methods, mirroring the platform:

re(pattern[, flags])
WITHIN(distance, unit[, coords=(lat, lon)[, zip=zipcode]])

Additional platform filter operations are supported:

flowthings.MATCHES(pattern[, flags])

Age comparisons can be made using normal python operators with AGE.:

>>> api.flow.find(AGE > time_millis)

Boolean operations are supported on filters using AND and OR.:

>>> api.flow.find((mem.displayName == 'foo').OR(mem.displayName == 'bar'))


If you create your API using a master token, you can create and manage tokens and shares.

api.token.create(model, **params)
api.share.create(model, **params)

Both tokens and shares support find and delete methods like other services. They are, however, immutable and do not support updates.


api.statistics.flow_drop_added(flow_id, year=None, month=None, day=None, level=None)
api.statistics.flow_tracked(flow_id, year=None, month=None, day=None, level=None)
api.statistics.track_hit(track_id, year=None, month=None, day=None, level=None)
api.statistics.track_pass(track_id, year=None, month=None, day=None, level=None)
api.statistics.api_call_by_identity(identity_id, year=None, month=None, day=None, level=None)
api.statistics.drop_created_by(identity_id, year=None, month=None, day=None, level=None)


api.drop(flow_id).aggregate(outputs, group_by=None, filter=None, rules=None, sorts=None)

Both filter and rules support Request Filters.:

>>> api.drop(flow_id).aggregate(['$avg:test'], rules={'test': mem.foo > 42})


class flowthings.FlowThingsError
class flowthings.FlowThingsException

List of errors returned from the platform


Request credentials


Request HTTP method


Request path

class flowthings.FlowThingsBadRequest
class flowthings.FlowThingsForbidden
class flowthings.FlowThingsNotFound
class flowthings.FlowThingsServerError


Service update methods can also take an instance of a modification helper called M. It lets you gradually make updates to a model and then extract the diff and model with the changes applied.

When passed directly to an update method, only the changes will be sent to the server instead of the entire model.

class flowthings.M(model, **changes)
modify(key, val)

Returns a tuple of (new_model, diff).

Asynchronous and Parallel Requests

Two workflows are supported for making asynchronous and parallel requests.

The API.async() workflow is an imperative API where requests are queued internally. Once you’ve made all the requests you need, you can invoke the results() method to wait. This can be useful when making large batches of similar requests:

paths = [...]
async_api = api.async()

for path in paths
    async_api.flow.find(mem.path == path)

for flows in async_api.results():
    # Do something with the flows

If some of your requests might fail, and you want to know which ones, you may set the with_exceptions keyword argument:

flows = [...]
async_api = api.async()

for flow in flows:

for e, drops in async_api.results(with_exceptions=True):
    if e:
        # Do something if there was an error
        # Do something with the drops

The API.lazy() worklow is useful when building complex compositions of dependent requests which can benefit from implicit parallelization. All requests are executed in parallel, but wait when you try to read the data. This works by requests returning a GreenThunk, which is a MutableMapping around a green thread. This object acts just like a regular dictionary or list, but waits on the green thread before performing any look-ups or mutations.

lazy_api = api.lazy()
flow_a = lazy_api.flow.find(mem.path == '/path/to/flow_a')
flow_b = lazy_api.flow.find(mem.path == '/path/to/flow_b')
drops  = lazy_api.drop(flow_a[0]['id']).find(limit=10)

In this example, the two requests for Flows are performed in parallel, while the requests for drops waits for the flow_a request to complete first.

You can retrieve the pure data of a GreenThunk by invoking its unwrap() method.


It is assumed the user has done the necessary green thread monkey-patching for their chosen library before importing the flowthings package.


WebSockets are supported using the websocket-client package. Here is a short example:

def on_open(ws):

def on_message(ws, resource, data):
    print 'Got message:', resource, data

def on_close(ws):
    print 'Closed'

def on_error(ws, e):
    print 'Error:', e

ws = api.websocket.connect(on_open=on_open,


from flowthings import API, Token, mem

creds = Token('<account_name>', '<token_string>')
api = API(creds)

# Get a Flow by id

# Get a Flow by path
api.flow.find(mem.path == '<flow_path>')

# Get 10 recent Flows, with references
flows, refs = api.flow.find(limit=10, refs=True)

# Create a flow
api.flow.create({ 'path': '<flow_path' })

# Delete a flow

# Get drops in a flow

# Filter drops in a flow
api.drop('<flow_id>').find(mem.elems.foo == 'value')